During their taunt-athon, Izel made clear that “Sarge” is merely an appropriated name, and made reference to him wearing someone’s “skin.” What’s more, as Sarge spoke of how Izel took him from his family (S.H.I.E.L.D.?), the woman he loved (May?) and his memories, she scoffed at the whole “memories” thing. Sarge’s voice was familiar in a very different way to Izel, as the two engaged in some verbal sparring over the radio.
#Watch agents of shield season 1 episode 9 code#
using a secret distress code - only to have Agent Davis respond in kind! Worse, FitzSimmons heard Sarge’s voice, which puzzled them with its undeniable Coulson-ness. Finally acquiring a signal, Jemma hailed S.H.I.E.L.D. But when her landing site was smashed into smithereens, Izel got anxious and pressed FitzSimmons to make contact with their friends who might have answers. Meanwhile aboard Izel’s ship, FitzSimmons realized that the crew had been zombified and was under the redhead’s thrall - though they themselves were safe, boasting as they do unusually big terran brains. They also seemingly removed Mack’s “fast friend” from the equation using a force field, but Yo-Yo for starters got the drop on Pax during a patrol. On the Zephyr, Sarge armed Pax and Jaco, and the trio successfully seized control of the bridge from Mack. But when Deke couldn’t pull off the defusing, Daisy stepped forth and, just before the truck smashed into the crystalline tower, safely “bubble-wrapped” the bomb inside a ball of vibrations.

With the truck barreling toward the alien structure, after Sarge had sneaked aboard the Zephyr to lead a hijacking, Deke was called upon to work his tech whiz prowess and neuter the nuke at hand. this Friday set the stage for a lonnnng-awaited team reunion - provided everyone could somehow safely navigate the truck vs.
#Watch agents of shield season 1 episode 9 tv#
TV Ratings: Live in Front of a Studio Audience, FBI Top TuesdayĪgents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Jeopardy!: Mayim Bialik, Ken Jennings to Host Through End of Season 38